Amsterdam Researchers urge ban on Fast Fashion Ads

Image Courtesy: Fashion United

Scientists of the University of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and the University of Amsterdam have advised the Dutch Government on the need to ban fast fashion ads. This advice follows a request by the Netherlands’ climate minister, Rob Jetten, to explore the potential impact of banning what’s known as ‘fossil advertising’ in the country.

The researchers specifically focused on ads promoting airline tickets and fast fashion within the realm of “fossil advertising.” Fast fashion, in their definition, includes retail chains constantly introducing short-lived clothing collections. Their study, shared with the Dutch Central Government by researchers at the University of Amsterdam, found that advertisements like these not only promote purchases which have a large carbon footprint but also normalise non-sustainable behavior.

Scientists argue that the ban of such advertisements is crucial to support climate policies. People may hesitate to make eco-friendly decisions if they perceive that unsustainable practices are common. However, the researchers emphasise that banning ads alone won’t suffice. To motivate people, the Government must make environmentally friendly choices affordable and attractive.

Climate Minister Jetten informed the Dutch parliament that there’s currently no legal basis for banning fossil advertising. A ban on fossil advertising could be in conflict with rights to free speech and property, and also EU agreements regarding the free flow of goods and service. According to the Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool, a well-defined ban proposal is crucial for success.

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