Garment Machine Makers Seek Permanent Expo Centre | Ludhiana News

Ludhiana: The city’s garment machinery manufacturers and suppliers have asked the state government to allot them space so they could build a permanent exhibition centre in Ludhiana. Garment Machinery Manufacturers and Suppliers’ Association (GMMSA), which represents the industry, has also forged an alliance with Chamber of Industrial and Commercial Undertakings (CICU) to get their problems highlighted.
GMMSA chairman Ram Krishan said, “Garment machinery manufacturers and suppliers are facing huge problems as there is no permanent centre for us to exhibit our products and services. We have to rent premises every year to hold exhibitions. Each participant must pay lakhs of dollars to set up their stalls in order to attract business. Time and again, the successive governments in the state have promised to make a permanent exhibition centre for the industry in Ludhiana, but this was never materialised.”
Chairman of the Association of Industrialists of Punjab urged Punjab Government to allocate space for this centre. They said industrialists are willing to cover the construction costs and maintain the Exhibition Centre, but the State government should assist them in their project.
Teja Singh, president of the GMMSA said, “A permanent exhibition centre is the need of every sector of industry in Ludhiana, and if such an infrastructure comes up in the city, crores of rupees of the industry could be saved from going down the drain every year, which are spent on organising different exhibitions and events.”
He said their association had joined hands with Punjab’s biggest business association, CICU, to address their issues. He claimed that industry was going through an important time in which the different sectors did not perform to the standards expected.

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