IndustriALL | IndustriALL

Participants shared their collective bargaining experience, improvements in contract language, and challenges during the two-day event.

IndustriALL general secretary Atle Høie addressed the attendees and highlighted the need for constructive relations with multinational companies and the importance of creating common policies and solidarity among unions.

Members also talked about the importance of building trade union power through networks. Coats has over fifty countries with its facilities and it recently bought Rhenoflex & Texon. Shop floor workers were emphasized, as well as the need to make them aware that they are a part of an even larger network for worker power within the supply chain.

The networks’ website is a valuable tool for increasing cross-broader connections between Coats union members.

Coats’ global HR department presented on the company’s initiatives to increase diversity, particularly in gender, and create a culture of belonging. The focus of the meeting was also on organizing Coats plants worldwide, improving freedoms of association, strengthening collective bargaining, etc.

The network was also to be formalized by proposing two cochairs. A working group was formed to draft a final agreement by 2023.

Christina Hajagos-Clausen, IndustriALL’s textile and garment director, said:

“IndustriALL sets up trade union networks to connect all trade unions within a multinational company to increase the exchange of information, improve communication between trade unions in different locations and countries and increase trade union presence within the company.

“This meeting, the 4th annual meeting of the Coats network, demonstrates that cross-border trade union activism and social dialogue are continuously strengthened throughout the Coats’ supply chain.”

The Moroccan UMT organized this meeting, and recently organized Casablanca Coats.

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